After short amount of time coming up with a new name, a long time looking for domain names, a relatively short time making the design, and a really long time trying to make it into a Blogger theme, its finally made it. Its incredible how the "easy" parts take the longest time while the more difficult parts just seem to work themselves out.
When I was working on the design I ended up getting myself into a bit of a snafu which lead to a somewhat interesting journey that result of which is the design you are looking at. I liked the name Regular Expression because like the pun, its pretty self-explanatory, and was able to snatch up a nice short domain name to host it on. Once I had the domain name it was time to get going on the design. I had some ideas floating around in my head, in particular I wanted a large text logo with regular expressions in the background. I recalled seeing a tutorial that had background text and a logo which was made up of the background text (available here). After a bunch of tweaking and changing I ended up with this:

I finally got the template looking alright so next it was time to figure out colors. What I very quickly figured out is that the black-grey-red combination I had was going to be difficult to work with. The accent color (red) was particularly tricky since its very difficult to find a shade of red that is readable for any decent sized line of text, say a title. While I could have used it in small spots like an underline or the numbers in the sidebar, it was gonna make finding other colors for text, titles, and links quite a bit more difficult. After looking around for a while to see if I could find a few ideas on what would work, I figured I would switch things up and try a lighter design.

I was playing around with templates and ended up with my light header on top, and old (dark) blog design on the bottom, and said hmmm. I liked the blue that I was previously using so I went ahead and changed the red in the logo to a nice cool blue, switched up the link colors and was on my way. The only problem left was the header, it was dark while the main background was white. I tried changing it back to the white one, but it wasnt working. Instead I kept the black, and just eased the transition between the two a little more. The first way was to just add a little fade below the nav bar, pretty simple. The second way is a little bit tricker and I actually stumbled upon it by accident, but I liked it. I'll give you a hint, while the nav bar is somewhat transparent it darkens the background as opposed to lightens it.
After all of the messing around I finally ended up with the page you are looking at.
Whats the moral of the story? Start with a diverse color pallete (kuler is a nice tool for that, thanks Mike) and then let the design come from that. Its a lot easier to not use a color in a pallete than it is to add an additional one. It will also likley stear you away from having a very plain black and white website, but dont go overboard.
Looks pretty good. Only the timestamp and labels under your post are a little hard to read.
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